Pilates Yoga Class on Wunda Chair and Mat: Heart Opening

Props: Wunda Chair, Mat, 1 lb Weights, Block

Seated in Sukhasana
Palms together at heart. Expand energy from the center of the chest outward. Listen.

Press palms towards shoulder. Gaze past opposite shoulder.

Press finger tips together at center of chest. Twist.

Parvatasasana with block between hands. Add twist.


  1. Tricep press (3) (H)
  2. Rowing from Chest with free weights
  3. Footwork (2/2 or 3/2) (H/L)
  4. 100 on top of Chair
  5. Seated Mermaid (3 or 4) (H)
  6. Standing Push Down Front (3/2 or 2/2) (H/L)
  7. Deep Plie on Paddle Front (3/2 or 3/3) (H/L)
  8. Standing Push Down Side (3) (M)
  9. Prone Arm Press (2/2)
  10. Twist on Hip Prep (4) (M)
  11. Twist on Hip (4) (M)
  12. Swan on Floor (3) (M/L)
  13. Low Frog (2) (M)
  14. Low Frog 2 Legs (2) (M)
  15. Side Angle (2 or 3) (M or L)
  16. Kneeling Lunge with Twist or Revolved Triangle (2 or 3) (M or L)
  17. Half Moon Kneeling (2 or 3) (M or L)